SDCTC - Mince Pie Ride 2021

The return of the popular Mince Pie ride - 49 turned out this year.
Organised by Geoff Sharpe.
P1100010 P1100016 P1100019 P1100020
P1100021 P1100022 P1100025 P1100026
P1100028 P1100029 P1100030 P1100031
P1100034 P1100035 P1100036 P1100037
P1100045 P1100051 P1100056 P1100062
P1100064 P1100065 P1100068 P1100070
P1100073 P1100076 P1100081 P1100082
P1100083 P1100092 P1100093 P1100095
P1100096 P1100101 jacky w golfclub kate golfclub
nick r golfclub dave twigger golfclub start1 start2
start3 start0 start6 group holbeam